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amblyz dijital kapama gozlugu cocuklar da ambliyopi tedavisin de etkili cozum

amblyz dijital kapama gozlugu cocuklar da ambliyopi tedavisin de etkili cozum

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goz tembelligi ancak kucuk yaslarda teshis edilirse tedavi edilebileceginden anne ve babalarin bu konuda son derece hassasiyet gostererek babalar gozluk gozler

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strabismus can be caused by problems with the eye muscles or the nerves in the control center of the brain that directs eye movements of the eyes and is a gozler

strabismus can be caused by problems with the eye muscles or the nerves in the control center of the brain that directs eye movements of the eyes and is a gozler

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kisiye ve goz tipine ozel olarak belirlenen lazer goz ameliyatlari ile gorme kusurlarinin tedavisi mumkun dunya uzerinde en sik uygulanan lazer ce gozler bilgi

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